Gallium‑68 is key

With several FDA-approved imaging agents already commercially available and hundreds of clinical trials underway investigating the use of Ga-68 labeled radiopharmaceuticals for the diagnosis of various types of disease1, Ga-68 is a prime isotope for your needs today and your plans for tomorrow.
1 Source: NIH U.S. National Library of Medicine. Available at
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Benefits of Ga-68 radiopharmaceuticals

Gallium-68 makes possible:

Tracers with proven efficacy and accuracy to limit false positives*

Data for currently approved Ga‑68 labeled tracers* delivers confidence for both practitioners and their patients.
* Package inserts for FDA approved Ga-68 labeled radiopharmaceuticals available at DailyMed

Dependable and convenient access on-demand

Ga-68 can be obtained using compact and readily available generators, which makes the isotope locally accessible at hundreds of nuclear pharmacies across the country.

Prompt and expansive scalability

Because Ga‑68 can be obtained using a generator model, it is able to support customers as they ramp up imaging volumes and grow their practice. Unlike other isotopes, increasing availability of Ga‑68 radiopharmaceuticals can be accomplished by adding additional generators or moving generators within the existing network.

Here’s what others are saying about the benefits of Ga-68

“With the generator model, the supply chain is already built for this type of distribution. Pharmacies are able to ramp up quickly to serve customers as their volumes grow.”
Luke Augustine
VP, Business Development, Cardinal Health Nuclear & Precision Health Solutions
“The Galli Eo® generator gives providers the flexibility to create and use patient-specific doses immediately at the site of care.”
Jean Bonnet
Head of Strategy, Sales and Marketing, IRE
“Currently approved Ga-68 radiopharmaceuticals have proven diagnostic performance with the efficacy and accuracy needed for practitioners to confidently guide patient management decisions.”
Chad Busch
SVP, Commercial Operations & Business Development, Cardinal Health Nuclear & Precision Health Solutions
“The higher activity 100mCi generators are future-proofing the ability to meet demand in a market which is growing exponentially. The use of high activity generators has the potential to increase daily elutions and increase the activity in each elution, thus potentially providing more flexibility in meeting the growing demand for Ga‑68 radiopharmaceuticals while giving customers the benefit of greater dose scheduling flexibility and efficient production.”
Erich Kollegger
“The last step of dose preparation happens locally, which is a great advantage for Gallium‑68, providing more flexible dosing options and lower risk of delays due to weather or other distribution challenges of centrally produced radiodiagnostics.”
Eric Luthi
Chief Commercial Officer, Evergreen Theragnostics
"The advantage of Ga‑68 produced by a generator is that it is quickly available for an optimal and fluid patient flow, especially as the production capacity of generators is huge and the time between order and delivery is now minimal."
Bérénice Pignol
Head of Marketing, IRE EliT
"Gallium‑68 serves as the backbone of an exceptional experience for both prostate cancer patients and their clinicians. Only gallium imaging can seamlessly merge clinical accuracy with dependable, flexible production and delivery."
Kevin Richardson
CEO, Telix Americas

Ongoing clinical research involving Ga‑68

Various clinical trials investigating Ga‑68 use in FAPIs (fibroblast activation protein inhibitors) are currently underway.1

As of January 2024, numerous Ga‑68 radiopharmaceuticals and theranostic pairs utilizing novel ligands are currently under investigation for use in1:
1 Source: NIH U.S. National Library of Medicine. Available at
Dashboard mockup
Current availability
of Ga‑68
Ga‑68 is locally accessible at hundreds of nuclear pharmacies across the country, enabling dependable and convenient access when you need it. View an interactive map here.
Arrow pointing to the right
This map indicates areas where Ga‑68 is typically available from Cardinal Health nuclear pharmacies. Ga‑68 may be available from additional pharmacy locations and hospitals across the country, beyond what is pictured here.
A map of the United States showing general locations of Ga-68 availability across the nation

Currently approved and available Ga‑68 diagnostics

Ga-68 Dototate Molecular structure diagram
Ga‑68 dotatate
Ga-68 Dotatoc Molecular structure diagram
Ga‑68 dotatoc
Ga-68 Gozetide Molecular structure diagram
Ga‑68 gozetotide (PSMA‑11)

Learn more about Ga‑68 based radiopharmaceuticals

Additional education from subject matter experts and industry leaders

TelixU Medical Education

Online educational resource for US-based healthcare professionals treating prostate cancer. It delivers high-quality interactive learning experiences that are tailored for the medical professional:
With healthcare providers, nuclear pharmacies, pharmaceutical companies, and isotope manufacturers working together, the future is bright for those who matter most: the patients we serve.